Interpersonal Communication Skills
Problem Solving
Adaptive Reasoning
Situational Judgement
Technical Skills Assessment
Each component of SHARP is designed to allow you to distinguish yourself across these various domains.
Already in use by numerous medical schools, Casper is a situational judgement test assessing various aspects social and emotional intelligence. The assessment will take place on May 11th, 2023 prior to being invited for interview.
Video and written scenarios with open-ended written or video responses
90-110 min, optional 10 min break
Each scenario rated by different rater
Scores sent to participating pilot programs
Interpersonal Communication
The abilities to clearly communicate with and listen to others are critical aspects of learning, teaching, developing team dynamics, and patient care.
Technical Skills
A technical skills assessment may sound daunting, but the SHARP technical skills assessments will measure performance improvement over repetitions of a given task, rather than focusing on one’s baseline abilities.
A challenge provided by an escape room scenario can provide a unique unknown situation that can provoke emotional responses, team building, and leadership. Students will be assigned in teams introducing a competitive aspect to this exercise will be used to assess an applicants’ aptitude for participation, cooperation, communication, adaptive reasoning, and problem solving.
Problem Solving
Thinking on your feet, logic, and reasoning are all indispensable skills difficult to demonstrate during a typical interview. We have designed both medical and non-medical scenarios to allow you to do so.